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About Us

At New River Fellowship what we do flows out of who we are...​ learn more about our ministries and programs and see what part of our mission statement they connect with.

Community at New River Fellowship
Contemporary Worship at New River Fellowship
Loving as Christ
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We believe the church is more than a place to be: it's a group to be on mission with. Join us as we love and serve the people in the New River Valley.
Learning From Christ
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At New River Fellowship we believe that we all have areas to grow. We believe God will transform our hearts & lives to look like Him as we surrender to Him & learn from Him.
Living in Christ
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We desire that Sunday mornings and small groups would be launching points into our everyday lives. We pray our gatherings will equip us to go out to live in God's presence, living for His glory every day in all that we do.
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Our Values


Christ as our Life


Reconciliation to God & Others


Sharing & Experiencing God


Transformational Unity in Christ


The Image of God in ourselves and others


The Power of Prayer

Our Leadership

Discipleship Pathway

As a Community on Mission: Submitted to Christ and Committed to Disciple-Making, everything we do centers around discipleship. We’ve identified 4 key areas we want to be actively engaged in promoting growth as disciples making disciples:

Personal Discipleship

Discipleship begins with our personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. At NRF, we want to see every member involved in taking on Christ’s life as our own! We see scripture affirm two clear mandates to grow in Christ's nature: engaging in prayer and in the Word of God.Engage in Personal Discipleship:1. Commit to regular prayer2. Commit to regular time in the Word

Corporate Discipleship

Discipleship is centered around the concept of community. In Jesus’ call to discipleship in Matthew 4:19, He highlighted both of these: “Follow me, and I will make you (community with God) fishers of men (community with one another). Therefore, if our discipleship pathway starts with personal discipleship, it should naturally lead us into corporate discipleship. Engage in Corporate Discipleship:1. Participate in our Sunday Worship Service (weekly)2. Join us in our church-wide fellowship gatherings (monthly)

Family Discipleship

God naturally designed discipleship to be part of the family unit, where we would share who God is, what He's done for us, & how we should respond in our homes. Yes, families are not perfect; and the picture of your family might look radically different from someone else’s: but the structure isn’t the main point. Sharing who God is, what He’s done for us, and how we ought to respond with those closest to us is the goal!Engage in Family Discipleship:1. Join a Community Group (bi-monthly)2. Grab a meal with a visitor (anytime!)

Life-on-Life Discipleship

God created us to bear His image: once we have been saved, we are now to be “imitators of God” (Eph. 5:1): we’re image-bearers again! This level of discipleship is intimate and familiar, with every part of who we are fully submitted to bearing God’s image. Growing in this avenue of discipleship requires us to step back from our weekly hustle-and-bustle to come to God’s Word and evaluate our lives in community with others doing likewise.Engage in Life-on-Life Discipleship:1. Join an IB (Image-Bearer) Group 2. Serve the church and community (weekly/monthly)